Financial Behavior: Players, Services, Products and Markets
Elissa and Dave’s most recent written contributions to the profession were just published in the seventh book of Oxford University Press’ Financial Markets and Investment Series, Financial Behavior: Players, Services, Products, and Markets. Elissa and Dave contributed chapter fifteen of the new text entitled “Psychological Aspects of Financial Planning”. The chapter addresses several dimensions of financial planning including the history and development, strategic components related to Client trust and commitment, knowledge and evidence-based financial planning®, and the behavioral dimension of the profession. Read on for more about the new publication.
Yeske Buie in the Media: Attracting Talent at Small Advisory Firms
Yeske Buie is dedicated to building a reliable and hardworking team that is capable of providing excellent, comprehensive service to our current Clients and the generations of Clients to come. We are proud of the team we have and we look forward to growing the team with more and more competent, ethical, and dedicated financial planners. However, as Liz Skinner recently shared in an InvestmentNews article, attracting new talent can be a struggle for advisory firms. Continue reading for more on Yeske Buie’s hiring approach including thoughts from Lauren Stansell, CFP.
Got a College Student? File FAFSA!
With high school graduations upon us, the realities of college expenses like room and board, tuition, and supplies may be sinking in. All of these costs make up a student’s total cost of attendance and can be paid for with federal financial aid which is awarded based on the completed FAFSA for each student. While some of the state deadlines for the 2017-2018 school year have passed, it’s not too late for those who may have originally thought it wouldn’t make a difference to file the FAFSA for federal aid. Education guru Tony Sutphin discussed why all parents with college students should complete the FAFSA even if they don’t think they will qualify for aid. Learn more about Tony’s reasons for why.
Tax Return Request
If you haven’t done so already, we would like to kindly request that you send us a copy of your 2016 Federal and State returns to help us better serve you throughout the year. We are best able to perform tax related analysis with your most current tax return. Exactly how the information is used varies from Client to Client but may include analyzing Roth conversions, updating retirement capital projections, calculating tax projections, and tracking tax data that can impact investment decisions. You may send the documents to us using any of the secure methods described here.