Shale of the Century: Energy Game-Changer
We’ve written before about the explosive growth of energy supplies due to new technologies, including the very real possibility that the U.S. will achieve energy independence. However, as Fareed Zakaria noted in Sunday’s edition of Global Public Square, a new golden age of gas is “a game-changer not just for the energy industry, not just for the U.S. – but for geopolitics.” Zakaria points out that most natural gas in the recent past has been supplied by “nasty and illegitimate” regimes like Iran and Venezuela, which thrive on global instability, not least because this drives up oil and gas prices and helps their bottom line. Now, however, with worldwide production of natural gas expected to grow 50% by the year 2035, and with most of that increase coming from the United States, Canada, Australia, Poland, France, and Israel, the production shift away from “destabilizing” regimes will have a huge positive impact on the world economy and geo-political stability.