Financial Planning

When looking to utilize the equity that you have built in your home, there are two types of home equity loans available: term, also known as closed-end loans, and lines of credit. Because you are using your home as collateral (security) and because the loan...
Topics: Financial Planning

Although 2020 has been anything but normal, there are some normal numbers updates we confirm around this time each year. Those numbers include things like maximum IRA contribution amounts, catch-up contributions, Social Security increases, and more. Read on to see the updated numbers you can...
Topics: Financial Planning

As we do each year, we are in the process of completing full year-end tax planning reviews for our Clients. In addition to our standard review, we are also considering the impacts of the changes made this year in response to the pandemic, as well...
Topics: Financial Planning

We are deeply saddened by the passing of television icon, Alex Trebek. With his quick wit and unwavering dedication to the game, Alex Trebek was more than just a show host. He was a teacher, a jokester, and a curator of tradition for millions of...
Topics: Financial Planning, Fun Stuff

It's probably unsurprising that, as financial planners, we believe in the importance of goal setting. We shared a piece on the topic of goal setting titled Identify, Implement, and Achieve where we offered the SMART goal methodology as one way to help you define your goals....
Topics: Financial Planning

At Yeske Buie, we think of ourselves as financial planners, not just asset managers. With that being said, the process of creating a Client’s financial plan requires us to build a strategy for their investments and to use assumptions about their portfolio’s performance when crafting...
Topics: Financial Planning

Introverts and extroverts. Alphas and betas. Early birds and night owls. Spenders and savers. Whether or not you believe in the idea that opposites attract, it’s not uncommon to find yourself in a committed relationship with a partner who holds different beliefs than your own...
Topics: Financial Planning

As human beings, we gravitate towards cycles, and there are two time periods each year where we often focus on reassessing our behaviors, setting new goals, and starting new habits – the beginning of the New Year and the start of the school year. There’s...
Topics: Financial Planning