The Best of 2016

This being the last business day of the year, we thought we’d reflect on some of the best pieces from TheLiveBigWay® Digest in 2016. We have reviewed the Digest posts from 2016 and we share with you the five most popular posts from each of our categories. We hope you enjoy reading these pieces and we wish you and yours a restful New Year’s break and a happy and prosperous New Year.
Top Five “Economy and Investing” Posts:
In most of the ways that matter to your finances, the world looks the same after the US Presidential Election.
It’s feeling to many people like the world is coming to an end. So, before I say anything more, let me cut to the chase: It isn’t.
3) The Brexit Bust
A mere week after the Brexit, the US market has recovered to pre-Brexit levels and the UK markets are higher than they were prior to the vote.
4) Short Take: Do the Markets Fear Trump?
Many are predicting a rough time in the markets if Donald Trump is elected president. Do the markets really fear Trump? And can you Trump-proof your portfolio?
5) Brexiting Brits
They did it. The Brits voted to leave the European Union, driven, if the polls got it right, by fears of an immigrant invasion. Here’s our take on the Brexiting Brits.
Top Five “Financial Planning” Posts:
1) A Practical Approach to Cash Flow Complexities
Cash flow policies remove budgetary uncertainties and clarify the financial ripple effects of given alternatives while maintaining alignment with Client values.
2) Employee Stock Options: Simplified
In this piece, we will help make sense of the two most common forms of stock options offered: Incentive Stock Options and Non-Qualified Stock Options (NQSOs).
3) Reverse Mortgage Mini-Series: Part 1
In the first article of this mini-series, we aim to give you a basic overview of Home Equity Conversion Mortgages which could be a valuable planning tool. You may also enjoy Reverse Mortgage Mini-Series: Part 2.
4) A Dose of Financial Planning to Treat Your Powerball Fever
Indulge with us as we chronicle the roller-coaster ride of financial decisions you must make when you decide to purchase a lotto ticket.
5) Remembering Gene Wilder
When a celebrity’s retirement or estate plan is discussed, it usually tells a tale about the consequences of poor planning. This isn’t the case for Gene Wilder.
Top Five “Millennial” Posts:
One way to reduce the risk of online identity theft is by using two factor authentication (2FA) which requires two means of identification to access an account.
We share our thoughts on the standard presence of student loan debt and how to live with it in ways that will not hinder you from financial and life decisions.
3) The Financial Four
Your NCAA March Madness bracket may be busted, but what if you could fill out a bracket where you couldn’t lose? Take a shot at the Financial Four bracket!
4) File On!
It’s officially Filing Season. For many, it doesn’t just include Federal and State Tax Returns, but also includes filing for federal student aid, or FAFSA.
5) CNBC: If Millennials Can Save Money, You Can, Too
A recent CNBC article by Landon Dowdy shares statistics about Millennials’ saving habits and saving tips from financial professionals including Dave Yeske.
Top Five “Firm News and Events” Posts:
1) Elissa Buie Named Top Wealth Advisor by Washingtonian Magazine
Elissa Buie, CFP® has been awarded the title of Top Wealth Advisor by Washingtonian Magazine as part of the magazine’s Top Wealth Advisors listing for 2016.
2) Yusuf Abugideiri Named One of InvestmentNews’ 40 Under 40
Yusuf Abugideiri has been named to InvestmentNews’ 40 Under 40 list for 2016 and was also featured on the cover of this week’s issue of InvestmentNews.
3) Congratulations, Lauren and Eli!
Lauren Vitt and her high school sweetheart, Eli Mireles, were married on Saturday, October 29th in their hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
4) Yeske Buie Retreat: Refining and Aligning
This year, the Yeske Buie team worked to sow our BIG ‘seeds’ so that they may continue to grow our culture and guide how we approach our work for our Clients.
5) Welcome Aboard!
Yeske Buie is excited to welcome three new additions to our team – Mila Lavoie, Zach Bennedsen, and Ryan Klemm! We offer welcome notes from each individual.
Top Five “YeBu in the Media” Posts:
1) Yeske Buie in the Media: Investor’s Business Daily Interviews Elissa Buie
Recently, Elissa talked with a reporter from Investor’s Business Daily, Morey Stettner, for an article focused on the lifecycle of a financial planning firm.
2) Yusuf Abugideiri Named as On of Ten Top CFP Holders Under 36
Yusuf Abugideiri was named to WealthManagement Magazine’s listing of Top CFP® Holders Under 36 which is featured in the March edition of the magazine.
3) AdvisoryHQ: Top 11 Financial Advisors in San Francisco
AdvisoryHQ has ranked Yeske Buie as one of the Top 11 Best Financial Advisors in San Francisco. We share their methodology and highlights that earned the award.
4) Yeske Buie in the Media: FPA BE
We share the highlights of Elissa and Dave’s presentations at the FPA Annual Conference, the largest gathering of CFP® professionals and thought leaders.
5) Yeske Buie in the Media: A New President and Fiduciary: What Happens Next?
Dave shares his thoughts on why he does not anticipate any changes regarding the fiduciary ruling as a result of the change in Presidency.
Top Three “Fun Stuff” Posts:
1) Where in the World is the Live Big® Glass?
We share a gallery of photos of our Clients, Family, and Friends enjoying their Live Big® glass from all over the world.
2) Time Saving Ideas to Live Big in 2016
We center our work on a singular priority: helping Clients make the most of their most valuable resource – LIFE. Accordingly, we offer a few time saving ideas.
3) Live Big is Everywhere, Every Day, for Everyone
It’s not often that one unfamiliar with the phrase Live Big® appreciates our worldview without additional insight. Purina pet food’s campaign is an exception.
Top Five Most Popular Posts Of All Time:
1) Perhaps the Most Beautiful Flash Mob Ever…
Our good friend Ed Jacobson, PhD, author of Appreciative Moments, sent us a video we thought you’d appreciate. Elissa called it “perhaps the most beautiful flash mob ever…
2) Stand by Me
A global rendition of the classic Ben E. King song Stand By Me from the documentary “Playing for Change: Peace Through Music.”
3) Video: Wisdom of Crowds
An experiment testing the “wisdom of crowds”, the proposition that the collective wisdom of a group will surpass that of even its smartest individual members.
4) Your Identity: A Force to be Reckoned With
Yeske Buie is pleased to announce our new agreement with IdentityForce to provide identity protection services to our clients at a significant discount.
5) The Power Couple
GGU Magazine’s Spring 2013 issue cover story, “The Power Couple,” profiles Elissa and Dave and their team approach to teaching, financial planning, and living.