Live Big Digest – April 19, 2010

With Tax Day finally in the rear-view mirror, we thought we’d celebrate with another edition of the Live Big® Digest.
The Hot Hand
The cover of BusinessWeek’s April 19 issue declares that “Obamanomics is working better than you think,” and then goes on to state, “polls say the economy is heading in the wrong direction. Markets say it’s back on track. This time, the markets are right.” From CEOs, to economists, to Bush administration officials, the word among those who know what to look for is that Obamanomics is far more pragmatic and business-friendly than those labeling it “radical” would have you believe.
An Economic and Market Update by Liz Ann Sonders
Just a reminder that this webinar is currently available for viewing and download from our website ( It will only be available until May 1, so by all means check it out if you haven’t done so.
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Have a great weekend!
The Yeske Buie Team