TheLiveBigWay* Digest – An Untimely Death Offers Estate Planning Lessons

TheLiveBigWay* Digest – An Untimely Death Offers Estate Planning Lessons

Estate Plan An Untimely Death Offers Estate Planning Lessons

Philip Seymour Hoffman’s untimely death on February 2nd ended a great film career and we mourn for both the man and the future film-going pleasure we will all now be denied.  As is so often the case when a public figure passes away, Hoffman’s will has garnered more than a little media attention and is a prime example of how an estate plan can help ensure that your desires are understood as well as the importance of keeping the plan up to date.By putting a proper estate plan in place you will ensure that your wishes are known, the right people know them, and that those people will have a smoother time managing your estate. You could also potentially save your estate a good chunk of money on legal fees and taxes.

Here are a few do’s and don’ts to help you get your estate plan in tip top shape.

Yeske Buie Open House in Virginia

Join us at the Yeske Buie Open House on Thursday, Mar. 20th from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Drop by the Vienna office and mingle with the entire staff.

Back by popular demand, we will be featuring a professional tarot card reader. Eve from Elite Tarot will be helping guests gain clarity and insight on business and/or personal questions.Elissa and Dave will feature several of their favorite wines and we will have our stemless wine glasses as a souvenir. We’ll have treats on hand courtesy of Purple Onion Catering Co.

Purple Onion 2
Dave in the Chicago Tribune

Dave was recently quoted in the Chicago Tribune, where writer Janet Kidd Stewart tells readers how ‘Getting personal with your financial expert can pay off.’ Stewart suggests that clients get more for their money if their financial adviser has conversations with them and plans for those things that matter most to them, including the lifestyle they want now and in the future. Many financial service firms are increasing their efforts to address these important planning areas with clients. So how do you balance the values/lifestyle discussion with the numbers? Dave tells Stewart that it requires more than just a good relationship.

Apple’s Security Breach

If you have an Apple iPhone, iPad, laptop, and/or desktop, update your software now to protect against hackers who have discovered a weakness in Apple’s security – they can get in during a connection between a user and the destination server to pose as a trusted source.

Update iPhone and/or iPad
Go to Settings > General > Software Update

Update laptop and/or desktop
-Choose System Preferences from the Apple Menu
-Choose Software Update from the View menu
-Click Update Now
-Select the items you want to install, then click Install
-Enter an Admin user name and password
-After the update is complete, restart the computer if necessary

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