Decision Architecture: Building Better Choices
Elissa and Dave’s latest paper, Policy-Based Financial Planning as Decision Architecture, was just published in the December issue of the Journal for Financial Planning. Financial planning policies are compact decision rules that make it easier to stick with a consistent course of action in the midst of an ever- changing environment. Developing good policies can be thought of as a form of “decision architecture” in which we structure the policies in such a way as to leverage our natural human proclivities, like sticking with default options. Read more for Elissa and Dave’s thoughts and examples of structured decisions and their enormous impact on outcomes. |
Ask Elissa and Dave Feature
Interested in learning more about Dave or Elissa as financial planners or as avid travelers? Looking for some clarity on a financial planning topic, the markets, or your portfolio? Curious about Yeske Buie, how we operate, or our company culture? Share your curiosity with Elissa and Dave and receive an answer to the questions you’ve always wanted to ask! Read Dave’s answer to our most recent question and stay tuned to future Digest posts for more.
Yeske Buie Holiday Hours
We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! Looking forward to the end of the month, we wanted to inform you of Yeske Buie’s upcoming holiday hours. The Yeske Buie offices will be physically closed from Monday, December 22nd through Friday, December 26th. The entire team will be available remotely throughout the week if you need anything and will respond to your message as soon as possible. If you anticipate any needs in particular around that time, please let us know and we will manage your request sooner rather than later. |