TheLiveBigWay* Digest – Confessions of a Cobbler

Elissa’s “Confessions of a Cobbler”
You know the saying about the cobbler’s children having no shoes? I have to confess to being a bit of a cobbler. Okay, my children have shoes – real ones and the financial planning version: ROTH IRAs. But I was recently going through the mail, the paper kind that comes to the mailbox in the front yard.
What I found made my heart skip a beat … or two.
Financial Planning WONK – Per Capita versus Per Stirpes
All beneficiary designations are the same, right? Unfortunately, that’s not the case. The beneficiary language adopted by the financial institution that holds your IRA or other retirement account might cause you to unintentionally disinherit your grandkids.
Tax Planning: Request for 2012 Tax Returns
We use your tax return information for a variety of financial planning purposes, not just when answering tax-related questions. Sending us your return now will allow us to do our work throughout the rest of the year. Now that the tax man has come and gone (unless you are on extension), please send us a copy of your 2012 federal tax return through one of the following secure methods.
Acts of Kindness and Bravery
We’ve recently discovered a series of Coca Cola ads that highlight the goodness in the world, as captured by security cameras. An interesting concept, that cameras designed to capture bad behavior actually capture as many acts of kindness and bravery as the other kind.
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Have a great weekend!
-The Yeske Buie Team