TheLiveBigWay® Digest – Personal Connections

TheLiveBigWay® Digest – Personal Connections


Grounded Investing

At Yeske Buie, we believe there is a science to investing. Unfortunately, much of what passes for investment activity has little connection to this science. To some degree, this comes from the natural human desire to “beat the system,” to gain some special advantage, to find the secret short-cut. But at the end of the day, we believe success in investing is more about discipline than it is about beating the system by picking hot stocks or timing the market. With this in mind, we share eight common investment habits to avoid to maintain a grounded and disciplined approach to investing.


“Let’s Talk About the Big Book”

A friend recently shared with us an article from The Washington Post titled “Let’s Talk about the Big Book” that details all of life’s important documents that should be kept in one central location for easy access in the case of a death or an emergency. The article reminds us of a piece we have shared in the past – Assembling Your Financial First Aid Kit – and we feel that it adds another layer of detail that is valuable to consider. We’ve listed some of the highlights of the article here on our website – we hope you find the suggestions helpful!



Congrats, Grad! 

It’s graduation season – an exciting time for students and families alike to celebrate the accomplishments of one life chapter and the start of a new one. In addition to celebrating this milestone for our Clients and their loved ones, we are also celebrating the graduation of one of our Yeske Buie team members, Lauren Mireles. Lauren is the Organization and Methods Manager in our Virginia office and she recently completed her Master’s Degree in Organization Development and Knowledge Management. Continue reading to see what Lauren had to say about earning her degree and for pictures of Lauren and her family celebrating her achievement.


Financial Aid 101: Filing the FAFSA 

With high school graduations upon us, the reality of college expenses like room and board, tuition, and supplies may be sinking in. All of these costs make up a student’s total cost of attendance and can be paid for with federal financial aid which is awarded based on the completed FAFSA for each student. While some of the state deadlines for the upcoming 2018-2019 school year have passed, it’s not too late for those who may have originally thought it wouldn’t make a difference to file the FAFSA for federal aid. Read on for resources related to filing FAFSA and considerations for financial aid options.



Stay Connected with Us!

Social media has redefined how people interact, communicate and share with family, friends and the world. To recognize its impact on global communication, Mashable, a digital media website, launched Social Media Day which is celebrated annually on June 30th. At Yeske Buie, we use our social media platforms to share information about financial planning and the market, invitations to upcoming webinars and events, and pictures of our team at local conferences and events. If you aren’t already connected with us, we’d love for you to follow us on Twitter, like our Facebook page, or connect with us on LinkedIn. We look forward to connecting with you!