Modern Day Literacy – More Than Just Words
 tree growing from book A big open book
Credit cards, mortgages, auto loans, tax returns, college savings plans, 401(k)s . . . money (in all of its flavors) is all around us. But do we as a society really understand it? Are we financially literate? Today, we take a look at that very question – read on to learn more.
Dave Yeske is Awarded the Profession’s Lifetime Achievement Award
 We are so proud to share that Dave has been awarded the profession’s lifetime achievement award, the P. Kemp Fain Jr. award! The award recognizes an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the financial planning profession in the areas of service to society, academia, government and professional activities, and upholds FPA’s Core Values. In celebration of Dave receiving this great honor, the entire Yeske Buie team was present at FPA’s Annual Conference in Nashville, TN. Learn more about the prestigious honor and see pictures from the awards ceremony.
Pillars of the Profession
Last week, Elissa and Dave had the honor of speaking at the Financial Planning Association of Greater Phoenix’s Symposium that was focused on how the profession of financial planning can best serve clients. Elissa presented “Pillars of the Profession”, sharing a summary of some of the greatest publications that have shaped how CFP® professionals cares for their Clients, and Dave presented “Policy-Based Financial Planning as Decision Architecture” and “How to Read and Apply Research-Based Writing” which both emphasize the importance of applying the best available knowledge to the practice of financial planning. Speaking engagements such as this one serve as an opportunity to collaborate with other intelligent planners in pursuit of learning and sharing best practices to serve clients.
Keep Calm and File FAFSA!
With the first day of Fall behind us, the back-to-school hype has dwindled and students are settling into a new year of classes. For high school seniors and their parents, however, a new hype is upon them: the college application process. A checklist from The College Board offers forty-seven different steps as part the college application process, five of which are related to financial aid. As of October 1st, the FAFSA filing period is officially open for the July 2018 – June 2019 school year. Read on for resources related to filing FAFSA and considerations for financial aid options.
Explore the Yeske Buie User’s Manual
 Every now and then, we like to share a reminder about the information in our user’s manual, an interactive guide to all things Yeske Buie. The manual includes information about Yeske Buie’s history, a look at how we serve our Clients, a reference for getting help with any issue, answers to frequently asked questions, and more. How you choose to explore the manual is up to you; you can spend only a few minutes to get a brief overview or take more time to do a deep dive into any of these areas. The manual is updated regularly so we encourage you to revisit it at your leisure. We hope you find it useful!