Insights from Far West Roundup
In the last Digest, we shared pictures from the Far West Roundup conference the Yeske Buie Financial Planning team attended in Santa Cruz, CA. In this issue, we offer some take-aways from the conference. With fewer than 100 attendees, Far West Roundup offers a much more casual and intimate atmosphere than other financial planning conferences. The collegial atmosphere has a significant impact on the vibe of the conference. For those four days, planners can focus solely on being students of the profession again.
Meet the Team: Sabina Smailhodzic
We are excited to welcome Sabina Smailhodzic as Yeske Buie’s newest team member and first Financial Planning Resident. Sabina traveled across the country from Kentucky to join the team in San Francisco. As a Financial Planning Resident, Sabina will work directly with clients, preparing financial plans and review, and working in all aspects of financial planning, from the discovery process to implementation and ongoing support of Yeske Buie’s Clients’ Live Big® goals. Learn more about Sabina’s interest in Financial Planning and her numerous bucket list adventures.
Yeske Buie Open House: Save the Date!
Join the Yeske Buie Team from both offices for our Open House in San Francisco on Thursday, October 30th from 4:30-6:30pm. Elissa and Dave will feature several of their favorite wines and we will have stemless wine glasses as a souvenir. The event will also feature a professional tarot card reader and a palm reader. Please RSVP for the event by emailing Cristin Etheredge at Cristin@YeBu.com. We look forward to seeing you there!
Retirement Special: Planning for the New Old
Samantha Allen recently wrote an article in Financial Planning Magazine that focused on the key questions and assumptions to consider when planning for retirement, most especially, how to think about longevity. She enlisted Dave’s help among the group of planners featured in the article to address how to determine what is enough for retirement, how much you should be left with, and which questions are important to ask to determine the appropriate longevity and lifestyle assumptions. Read Dave’s contributions and the entire Financial Planning Magazine article.