TheLiveBigWay® Digest: Second Wind

Falling Flat: The Not-So-Predictive Yield Curve

If you’ve been following recent market news, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the recent turmoil in the stock market. As we noted last week, 2018 was the first year in a decade that US markets finished lower than they started. This fact doesn’t mean a lot on its own, but it certainly doesn’t stop the talking heads from…well, talking. Pundits love to grab statistics and buzzwords that can generate a story, often plucking only the economic measures that support their case. One of the phrases you may have seen put forth, often as a harbinger of recession, is the dreaded “inverted yield curve.” The story goes that once the yield curve flattens or inverts, the stock market is certain to take a downturn. Today, we’ll take a closer look at what exactly the yield curve measures and what (if any) predictive value it has.
Your Second Wind: Starting a New Business in Retirement
Prior to recent generations, the typical work pattern of an individual was to enter the workforce, work until their 50s or 60s, and then retire and never think about going to work again. The Baby Boomer generation, however, is redefining retirement by exploring different ways to continue working during the time they are viewed to be “done with work,” and many are doing so by starting their own business. In fact, research shows that people ages 55 – 64 make up nearly 25% of new entrepreneurs! Today, we explore why entrepreneurship is appealing to many retirees and share a few possible ideas to spark your interests.

In Case You Missed It: Market Perspective in Two Charts

We know you’ve seen the headlines that market performance last year was the worst in a decade, based on the S&P 500. That is true. However, considering the fact that 2018 was the first year with a negative return since 2008, that statement doesn’t necessarily have much meaning. Nevertheless, the stock market has become much more volatile in recent weeks and months, and we thought we’d offer a brief perspective with two charts.
New Year’s Resolutions for Your Financial Life
The New Year traditionally affords an opportunity to explore new habits like getting healthier, saving money, taking more time for yourself, learning a new skill, finding another job, and more. As you finalize your new year’s resolutions for 2019, we thought we’d share a few resources with ideas for implementing lasting changes in your financial life:

- New Year’s Financial Resolutions: Five simple habits to help you feel more in control of your finances.
- Can I Take a Rain Check?: Considerations for those wanting to save more this year.
- Job Change Checklist: A review of things to keep in mind for those looking to find a new job in 2019.
- Time Saving Ideas to Live Big: A list of small changes you can make that may open a window of time in your day that you didn’t have before.
Register Today to Join Our Live Webinar

We hope you will join our upcoming live webinar on Wednesday, January 23rd at 11am PT / 2pm ET titled 2019 Financial Review and Outlook. During the webinar, Dave Yeske will share brief review of the economy in 2018, our thoughts on recent market volatility, and an outlook on the landscape going forward for the economy, the markets, and other developments that can impact your finances in 2019. If you have something specific that you’d like us to speak to during the webinar, please feel free to email your thoughts to and we’ll look to incorporate them into the presentation.