TheLiveBigWay® Digest: Summer, Sunshine, and Financial SPF

TheLiveBigWay® Digest: Summer, Sunshine, and Financial SPF

Retiring Early? Three Ways to Keep Covered

Health insurance - concept.

In the years leading up to age 65, you’re likely to receive more than a few reminders from family, friends, brochures, and TV commercials reminding you about Medicare and health insurance coverage in retirement. But what if you retire before 65? What do you do about health insurance coverage until that big day you turn 65? Read on to learn more about your options.

Vacation Temptation

As we enter the summer season, it’s likely that you have some kind of vacation or relaxation days planned within the next few months. Whether you choose to enjoy a beach rental or a cabin in the woods, if the place is really special, you may find yourself thinking “I wish I lived here!” Here are four considerations to keep in mind before deciding to convert your temporary stay into a permanent home.

vacation home

Get to Know Your Yeske Buie Team

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At Yeske Buie, one of our greatest strengths is our talented team who is fiercely dedicated to caring for our Clients. With appreciation for entrusting us with the intimate details of your lives, we share pieces of our lives with you here on our website.Who are our fashionistas? Our biggest foodies? Our best dancers?! And don’t forget to check out the Current Updates section of each team member’s bio to see what they’ve been up to over the past month!

The Hope Chronicles

This week marked the beginning of the summer season, and the additional sunshine has been boosting our hope and spirits. Similarly, these summer tunes bring us a sense of ease, calm, and positivity. We hope you enjoy them – along with our entire Songs of Hope playlist – at your next summer gathering.

Here Comes the Sun – The Beatles

A simple, effortless song that connects with us deeply and blooms emotions of positivity and hope in changing seasons.

It’s a Beautiful Morning – The Rascals

Peaceful, groovy, and full of sunniness, this summer classic has the power to instantly brighten your day.

Sunday Best – Surfaces

This song reminds us of the power of perspective and finding joy in seemingly mundane moments.

Your Friends Can Live Big®, Too!


Know someone interested in learning more about financial planning, or looking for inspiration on how to Live Big? We are often asked, “Are you accepting new Clients?” and the answer is YES! We are passionate about helping those seeking financial advice find a competent, ethical financial planner best suited for their specific planning needs – if that’s not us, then we’ll make a referral to one of our talented colleagues. So if you know someone who could benefit from financial planning, let us know!