Yeske Buie Live Big® Digest

Every year, the Yeske Buie team strives to stay ahead of the curve on important, calendar-dependent issues. Our goal is to ensure that we (and you!) can end the year with some peace and quiet. This fantasy is rarely realized. This year the culprit was Congress and the Whitehouse and an eleventh hour deal on extending the Bush era tax cuts. We had been holding our breath (and deferring some routine portfolio rebalancing), waiting to see if capital gains rates were going to rise in 2011. If that was to be the case, our plan was to aggressively “harvest” capital gains before the current year was over in order to take advantage of the current lower rates. As it is, with the two-year extension just approved by both houses of Congress, we can relax and return to our normal rebalancing schedule in the new year.
And speaking of rebalancing, we’d like to make a final recommendation for your portfolio as you move into what we hope will be a restful and joyous holiday season (from “Abstract City: Let It Dough”