Cybersecurity from All Angles

When it comes to cybersecurity, expert Carrie Kerskie says, “You need to stay on top of it.” And one of the best ways to do so is by having a solid understanding of identity theft and the scams that threaten today’s consumers. With the goal of helping our Clients and contacts feel as though they are armed with cyber-knowledge and empowered to protect themselves, we hosted a live webinar where identity theft expert, Carrie Kerskie, discussed cybersecurity from all angles. During the webinar, Carrie shared three easy ways to identify a scam, new identity threats you may not know about and what you can do to counter them, and practical ways to protect yourself and policies to adopt to harden your exposures.
Cybersecurity gurus and novices alike found great takeaways from Carrie’s expertise, including best practices for two-factor authentication and how to protect yourself from juice-jacking. Below is a recording of the webinar and Carrie’s tips sheet for reducing the risk of identity theft.
Ms. Kerskie is the President and CEO of Griffon Force. Ms. Kerskie’s focus at Griffon Force is on providing clients with comprehensive and personalized risk assessment and reduction services, data privacy consulting, and when needed, identity theft restoration investigation. She is a key member of the Collier Identity Theft Task Force and founding Director of the Identity Fraud Institute at Hodges University. Ms. Kerskie is a highly sought-after national speaker, trainer, and consultant on the topics of data privacy, identity theft, risk assessments, employee training, risk reduction, and identity restoration. Ms. Kerskie appears regularly on various news programs as an identity theft and data privacy expert. She is the author of the book, “Your Public Identity: Because Nothing is Private Anymore.” In 2014, Congressman Diaz-Balart lauded Carrie with a Congressional Record for her work on identity theft. In 2015, Carrie worked with Florida Representative Kathleen Passidomo to successfully revise Florida’s identity theft laws to make business identity theft a crime in Florida.