CNBC Small Business Survey

According to the third-quarter results of a recent CNBC survey, taxes are currently at the top of the list of critical issues for small businesses. This finding does not come as a surprise, especially considering the current Administration’s proposed tax reform changes. In a recent CNBC article on the topic of tax reform, Dave shared his thoughts with reporter Elaine Pofeldt, offering a perspective from a professional who works with small business owners and as a small business owner himself.
As is shared in the CNBC article, “Trump proposed a variety of tax-reform measures, both for individuals and business. The reforms to individual tax rates would affect small-business owners, who are often taxed on their income at individual tax rates.” Dave confirmed this statement by sharing, “’The vast majority of small-business owners pay taxes through their individual return,’ says Dave Yeske, CFP, managing director of Yeske Buie, who works out of the firm’s San Francisco office.”
The article also makes an argument that when it comes to taxes, “simpler is better.” The study found that, “many in the business community say they welcome the ideas for simplification and tax cuts that have been proposed so far — but the big questions are whether lawmakers can reach a consensus on these reforms. Business owners are also wondering if the tax code is overhauled, when will changes take effect.” Dave supported this point as well stating, “Tax simplification would be a boon to small business owners—and a boon to everyone.”