Money books that make great gifts

By Vicki Gerson •
Walk into any bookstore or search online, and it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the number of financial books that claim to have all the answers to your money questions. How do you know which book is right for what you want to know?
Bankrate has compiled a list of some of the best books and workbooks to sharpen one’s financial IQ during every stage of a person’s life. Our list was compiled by four Certified Financial Planners, or CFPs, from across the country: Karen L. DeRose of DeRose & Associates in Chicago; Bonnie A. Hughes of A&H Financial Planning and Education Inc. in Kennesaw, Ga.; Raymond Benton of Lincoln Financial Advisors in Denver; and David B. Yeske, the founding principal of Yeske Buie, a wealth management firm in San Francisco.
Before you purchase a book this holiday season for someone on your gift list — or even for yourself — consider these.