We Are Pleased to Welcome You Back

The Yeske Buie team is looking forward to serving you from our offices again starting in September! As you may expect, we’ve implemented a few new office protocols to maintain a safe space and healthy environment for you and our team. We feel it’s important to emphasize that, as is the case with all of our business decisions, our new protocols were designed using an evidence-based approach. We have been and will continue to use the best available science to guide our practices, and we hope that the new protocols make you feel comfortable visiting us. If there is anything else we can do to make you feel safer or more comfortable, please let us know.
Without further ado, here’s how we look forward to welcoming you back to our offices.
COVID-19 Vaccine
We are pleased to report that all Yeske Buie employees are fully vaccinated from the COVID-19 virus, and we will welcome fully vaccinated Clients and visitors to the office. If you have not been vaccinated, we kindly ask that you continue to use our virtual meeting options. When you schedule a meeting with us, our team will ask for your preference.
Vaccinated Clients and guests will not be required to wear a mask or follow social distancing guidelines when visiting our offices. Per current county regulations, masks will be required in our building’s public spaces (i.e., lobby, hallway, restroom, etc.). If you wish to wear a mask or if you’d like our staff to wear one, we will be happy accommodate your preferences.
If you know that you’ve been exposed or have any symptoms of COVID-19 at the time of your meeting, please do not visit our office – we’ll be happy to reschedule our meeting or meet with you virtually.

Cleaning and Sanitation
We are taking the following steps to maintain a high level of cleanliness in our offices:
- Our cleaning crews will be performing enhanced cleanings on a regular basis. They will also perform deep cleans on an ad hoc basis, and our buildings’ public spaces are being cleaned and monitored in an increased capacity.
- We’ve installed a sufficient number of HEPA filters to adequately clean the air in our office spaces, and the filters will be changed in a regular and timely manner. We’ll also open our windows, when possible, to circulate fresh air.
- We will use Lysol wipes to disinfect high-touch items after meetings.
- Masks and hand sanitizer will be available to use as desired.
We will continue to monitor the CDC’s guidance and make updates to our protocols as needed. We hope that you continue to take care of yourself and your loved ones, and we appreciate your continued trust and support. We’re excited to SEE you soon!