Yeske Buie Virginia Retreat and Open House

On March 13th and the 14th, the entire Yeske Buie staff gathered in Fairfax, VA for one of our retreats. These are semi-annual gatherings on alternating coasts aimed at moving us closer to our Grand Goal of becoming the recognized best financial planning firm in the country. David Brand facilitates our time together and takes us through team-building, communication, and visioning exercises over the course of two days. This is not your average company retreat as David isn’t afraid to take the team wherever they need to go in our never-ending pursuit of excellence.
On the last day of Retreat, we hosted an Open House for our clients and allied professionals to get a chance to meet the whole staff and this year we added a fun activity inspired by the Wisdom of Crowds.
Later that night we celebrated Summar’s five-year anniversary with the firm…
…and Dave and Elissa presented both Jens with their new business cards in recognition of their attainment of the Certified Financial PlannerTM marks!
We ended the night toasting to the end of another great Retreat!