Yusuf Abugideiri Named One of InvestmentNews’ 40 Under 40

VIENNA, Va., June 27, 2016/PRNewswire/ — Yeske Buie is pleased to announce that Yusuf Abugideiri has been named to InvestmentNews’ 40 Under 40 list for 2016. The goal of this list is to recognize members of the financial advisory industry who are under 40 years of age and have changed the industry for the better. InvestmentNews reviewed over 800 nominations from industry peers and selected finalists based on personal accomplishment, contribution to the industry, leadership and future promise. Yusuf was also selected as one of five nominees to be featured on the cover of this week’s issue of InvestmentNews.
This year, the tagline for the listing is “The Power of Personality.” With this theme, all 40 nominees were asked to take a personality test to identify what it is about the nominee that makes them stand out. Based on the nominee’s answers, each earned an archetype such as The Maestro, The Guardian, The Editor-in-Chief, or The Victor. Yusuf received the archetype, The Talent.
When asked if he agreed with this assessment, Yusuf said, “Yes, I believe I do my best work when I’m able to use my passion to empower and encourage others to achieve.” Yusuf’s archetype is displayed playfully in this week’s issue of InvestmentNews as he poses with a microphone in his photo.
InvestmentNews also asked each nominee to express what they feel makes them stand out from their peers to be recognized as one of the 40 Under 40. Yusuf shared, “I have a passion for development. I feel most fulfilled when I am able to use my experiences to relate to others, connect with them, and then help them make progress on their journey towards wherever they’re headed.” In addition, Yusuf acknowledged his appreciation for those in the industry who help encourage younger professionals like him and his peers who made the list. “I am inspired by how willing the more experienced generation of advisers has been to share their experiences in building this profession. This reminds me to never forget that all of the good things in my life can be traced back to decisions I made in service of others and motivates me to always put forth my best effort.”
You can find Yusuf’s profile, photos, and video interviews on InvestmentNews’ webpage dedicated to the 40 Under 40 project.
Yusuf has been a Financial Planner at Yeske Buie for six years and is a member of the Financial Planning Association® (FPA®). He is a member of FPA’s NexGen community and is a graduate of FPA’s Residency Program. Yusuf has served on the Financial Planning Day and Career Day committees through FPA’s National Capital Area chapter and is currently serving on the chapter’s board as the Director of PR, Media Relations and Communications. He is co-chair of the Recent Alumni Board of the Pamplin College of Business at Virginia Tech and visits campus frequently to speak in financial planning classes.
Learn more about Yusuf and Yeske Buie at www.YeBu.com.