TheLiveBigWay® Digest: No Funny Business

TheLiveBigWay® Digest: No Funny Business

March Madness Money Lessons

march madness finance

The NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament championship game – the pinnacle of the sport – is upon us. And perhaps unsuspectingly, the spectacle of March Madness presents several themes that can be universally applied. From the emotionality of the games to the Cinderella stories and the commitment to a clear strategy, there’s a lot we can takeaway. We think these five connections between March Madness and the financial planning process are a slam dunk – check them out here.

Russia, Inflation, and Oil, Oh My!

Our pair of resident economists, Dr. Dave Yeske and Yusuf Abugideiri, are teaming up to bring you our latest commentary on the economic and political ongoings that are dominating headlines and impacting your portfolio. Specifically, they’ll review:

  • The strengths of the economy
  • Your portfolio performance relative to the benchmarks
  • Updates on interest rates and inflation
  • Impacts of the Russia-Ukraine War

The live presentation will be hosted via Zoom on Thursday, April 21 at 11am PT | 2pm ET. Use this link to reserve your virtual seat to join the conversation and feel free to invite your friends and colleagues to join us, too!

Don’t Be Fooled by Debt

Debt is a scary word. For many Americans it’s practically taboo. And for good reason: according to NerdWallet, the average debt in American households in 2021 was about $155,000. While there is reason to be cautious, debt can also be an effective resource on one’s financial journey. In this piece, we explore various types of debt and how to reframe debt as a tool instead of a threat.


Ask Us Anything

Question Mark Concept

Interested in learning more about the origin of Yeske Buie? Looking for some clarity on a financial planning topic, the markets, or your portfolio? Curious about our team, how we operate, or our company culture? We’ve created a space called Ask Us Anything where you can get answers to the questions you’ve always wanted to ask. We’ve already shared eight questions and answers and we look forward to hearing whatever else is on your mind!

The Hope Chronicles

One of our fundamental beliefs is that human beings are fundamentally growth-seeking, ingenious, and resilient. While this idea has been put to the test over the past two years of unprecedented challenges, our belief never wavered, and new research from the 2022 World Happiness Report suggests that it continues to have strong roots. The report found that “three measures of prosocial behavior – donations, volunteering, and helping strangers – all showed increases in 2021 in every global region.” To see increases in these social behaviors during a global health pandemic brings us so much hope about humanity’s ability to show up for one another during the most difficult times.