Author: Yeske Buie

The upcoming holiday season – much like the rest of this year – will be unlike any we have experienced before. For most of us, while large family gatherings can be stressful, the thought of not having any family celebrations this year is a disappointing...
Topics: Fun Stuff

The November 30th issue of InvestmentNews was called The Women’s Issue, and featured dozens of stories that recognized, celebrated, and shared insights from women in financial planning. The 2019 winner of the Alexandra Armstrong Lifetime Achievement Award, Elissa Buie was invited to write a guest...
Topics: Yeske Buie in the Media

We are deeply saddened by the passing of television icon, Alex Trebek. With his quick wit and unwavering dedication to the game, Alex Trebek was more than just a show host. He was a teacher, a jokester, and a curator of tradition for millions of...
Topics: Financial Planning, Fun Stuff

In this edition of the Digest, we wanted to do things a little differently. This message comes to you just four days before our country’s very important and historic election, and we sincerely hope that you have made (and maybe have already executed!) a plan...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

These are widely considered some of life's most valuable resources - are you making the most of them? Whether you answer yes or no, we want to share with you 25 tips, tricks, and life hacks to help you Live Big® more easily. In this...
Topics: Webinars and Videos

When Projections Align with Reality As financial planners, we are continuously reassessing the assumptions we make in the retirement projections we build for our Clients. We recently back-tested our portfolio’s performance over the past 26 years, confirming again that one of our most critical assumptions...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest