Financial Planning

What if there was a way to increase your happiness and satisfaction without much work, energy, or effort? Would you want to find out more? Science supports that it is, indeed, possible to achieve more happiness by taking an objective look at how you’re spending...
Topics: Financial Planning

It’s likely that at some point you’ve had to ask someone for a rain check when it’s been more desirable to accept an offer at a later date rather than in the present moment. In a similar way, when you set aside money for a...
Topics: Financial Planning

We’d like to extend a big congratulations to all those who will be graduating in the coming months. For upcoming college grads, the notion of entering the “real world” can feel equally exciting and ambiguous. The reality of becoming financially independent means accepting a deepened...
Topics: Financial Planning

During times of market volatility, investors can feel like they're riding a bumpy roller coaster ride. And while our worldview about the markets is that human beings are fundamentally growth seeking and resilient, we recognize that the bumps along the way can make investors feel...
Topics: Financial Planning

No, we did not just call our Clients fat. Today, we’re writing about the literary concept of a flat vs. a round character and how it applies to Yeske Buie. We’d like you to take yourself back to your high school English class. While you...
Topics: Financial Planning

Credit scores are used by individuals and organizations as a method of assessing a person’s financial responsibility. The “grading scale” ranges from 300, being the weakest, to 850, being the strongest. As a reference, Experian assesses a credit score above 670 as “good”. It is...
Topics: Financial Planning

Long-term care is defined as the need for assistance with normal activities of daily living for a period of greater than 100 days. Additionally, when long-term care is needed, it is not a one-time need, but rather is a “continuum of care” that starts at...
Topics: Financial Planning

As we enjoy the final days of 2017, we thought we’d reflect on some of the best pieces from TheLiveBigWay® Digest over the past year. We have reviewed the Digest posts from 2017 and we share with you the five most popular posts from each…

Topics: Financial Planning

When thinking about estate planning, many topics come to mind – like, what property, houses, and cars you own, who will handle the distribution of your assets, and how you will care for your children, grandchildren, and other loved ones. Often overlooked, however, is the...
Topics: Financial Planning

At Yeske Buie, we believe learning fuels potential. Embodying this company value, the Yeske Buie Financial Planning Team took full advantage of the opportunity to learn from some of the brightest minds in the profession at the Financial Planning Association’s recent Annual Conference in Nashville,…

Topics: Financial Planning