There has been no negotiation reached on how to deal with the nation’s borrowing limit and the deadline for mandatory spending cuts has been extended for two months. However, a significant amount of what relates to individual taxpayers has been addressed in the American Taxpayer…
We recently posted an analysis of the tradeoffs involved with realizing embedded capital gains in 2012 before presumed higher rates kick in starting January 1 (Cliffhanger: The Fiscal Cliff and Year-End Planning), in which we focused largely on the tradeoff between keeping more capital invested and eventually having gains…
We’re sure that you’re sick and tired of hearing about the fiscal cliff at this point, and we don’t blame you. The looming tax increases and spending cuts have spawned no end of “cliffhangers” and “Cliff Notes” describing the impending doomsday if Congress and the White…
The Money Savvy Pig was cited as one of five gifts to encourage good financial education/management in an article in the WSJ’s Personal Finance section entitled, “Gifts for the Financially Inclined”. In the article, journalist Simon Constable talks about the story behind the Money Savvy Pig……
We’ve all heard more than enough about the Fiscal Cliff that looms at year’s end and the ongoing negotiations between the White House and Congress aimed at avoiding it. As you might imagine, we’ve expended a great deal of time and energy analyzing the various…
We’ve all heard about the Simpson Bowles Commission (technically, the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform), which was created by President Obama in early 2010 and delivered its final report on December 1 of that same year. Neither Congress nor the White House embraced…
Since we’re spending so much time talking about “cliffs”, we thought we’d introduce you to our friend Carolyn McClanahan, MD/CFP, physician and financial planner. Carolyn, who writes for Forbes, has made herself an expert on all aspects of the Affordable Care Act and shares her…