
As our Clients approach retirement and prepare to begin making distributions from their portfolio to meet their spending needs, we often hear questions like these: How much can I safely spend from my portfolio in retirement? How will I know if I’m heading for trouble?...
Topics: Financial Planning

Milestone Recognitions This year, the financial planning profession is celebrating its 50th anniversary, a milestone that is inspiring many to reflect on the grand evolution of our work. In recognition of this anniversary, InvestmentNews assembled a list of the 20 most influential individuals who have...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

The Discovery Process is the first step in Yeske Buie’s financial planning process once we’ve decided to work together – but it certainly doesn’t end there! Discovery is a vital and ongoing part of our work together, and as we prepare your financial plan, we...
Topics: Financial Planning

As is Yeske Buie tradition, the Yeske Buie Financial Planning Team once again attended the FPA Far West Roundup in Santa Cruz, California. A relaxed and intimate conference, Far West Roundup facilitates deeper, more personal discussions and allows planners to forge connections with many of...
Topics: Financial Planning

With a new era of HBO’s record-breaking TV series, Game of Thrones - House of the Dragon debuting recently, we felt it timely to revisit an article we shared three years ago when the original Game of Thrones, "watch" quite literally ended. We found that there...
Topics: Financial Planning, Fun Stuff

Portfolio Update: Going Long on Bonds A couple years ago, we decided to take a more conservative approach in our fixed income portfolio and replace DFA’s Five Year Global Bond fund with its One Year Fixed Income fund, which carries an average maturity of less...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

At Yeske Buie, we believe in taking an evidence-based approach in every aspect of our work. One of the ways we live into this belief is by always seeking out the best available science to ensure that we are providing the best possible service to...
Topics: Yeske Buie in the Media