
How to Enjoy Retirement Without Going Broke – A Policy-Based Response A couple weeks ago, the New York Times’ Peter Coy explored what he described as the tricky “problem of decumulation” that retirees must solve and naturally, we couldn’t help but craft our own answers...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

While one’s 65th birthday no longer signifies reaching the “Full Retirement Age” milestone for Social Security benefits, turning 65 still has a unique perk – gaining eligibility for Medicare. Being eligible for the program, however, doesn’t mean that it’s easy to decipher the best course...
Topics: Financial Planning

Benjamin Graham, widely known as the "father of value investing," once wrote, “The investor’s chief problem – and even his worst enemy – is likely to be himself.” All humans carry with them biases shaped by their backgrounds and experiences, which influence every decision they...
Topics: Financial Planning

If you’ve seen your spending and saving habits change during the pandemic, you’re not alone. Although the pandemic has been a shared, global experience, everyone’s individual experience has varied; some individuals experienced shifts that have opened new doors, and some have been forced to re-evaluate...
Topics: Financial Planning

Clients sometimes ask us why we don’t recommend carrying municipal bonds in their portfolios, often in response to learning about the tax advantages of owning them or perhaps after hearing about relatively higher yields in the municipal bond market. Before sharing our rationale, let’s first...
Topics: Economy and Investing

Many people know the Medicare milestone age of 65 well. People anticipate this age as they’re approaching it (and maybe even many years before) and start thinking about all the pieces of Medicare they’ll need to sign up for, the potential premiums to expect, and...
Topics: Financial Planning

Of the many aspects of our financial lives that can keep us up at night, debt is usually high on the list. According to a 2021 CNBC report1, the average American has $90,460 in debt. Making progress on paying off your debts is similar to...
Topics: Financial Planning

Timeless Lessons Our strategic partners at Dimensional are celebrating their 40 anniversary as a firm, and Founder, David Booth, used the milestone as an opportunity to reflect on the lessons he’s learned from his decades in finance. We find that Booth’s reflections and beliefs align...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest