
Although 2020 has been anything but normal, there are some normal numbers updates we confirm around this time each year. Those numbers include things like maximum IRA contribution amounts, catch-up contributions, Social Security increases, and more. Read on to see the updated numbers you can...
Topics: Financial Planning

From a young age, we learn about the importance of collaboration and how we can work better together. We think the same is true of our role in your life! We believe financial planning done right spans all aspects of life and requires close collaboration...
Topics: Financial Planning

Discovery Insights Financial planning is often thought to only include investments and asset management. And those pieces matter! But none of it matters if it’s not personal, relatable, and aligned with who you are and what matters to you. Learn more about our discovery process...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Changing Jobs in a Changing Market The coronavirus pandemic has rocked the job market, requiring companies to adapt to remote work environments, setting unprecedented unemployment records, and spiking job growth in unexpected industries. As a result, many are experiencing a job change, which can be...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Charitable Giving Redefined For many, the shared challenges we’ve faced during the coronavirus pandemic has brought charitable giving to the forefront of their minds. Each year, we work with Clients to make charitable gifts through several traditional methods, but the pandemic has revealed more creative ways to...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

The latest unemployment numbers in the U.S. have been universally touted as the “worst since the Great Depression,” a comparison that, while accurate, can be tremendously misleading. Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke said, “I don’t find comparing the...
Topics: Economy and Investing