
Risky Business: When Bonds Act Like Stocks While municipal bonds offer tax-breaks (and sometimes relatively higher yields) that can make them seem like attractive investments, their behavior can be more akin to that of stocks. Read on to learn more about why we steer clear...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Clients sometimes ask us why we don’t recommend carrying municipal bonds in their portfolios, often in response to learning about the tax advantages of owning them or perhaps after hearing about relatively higher yields in the municipal bond market. Before sharing our rationale, let’s first...
Topics: Economy and Investing

Thanks to new regulations and requirements that made a reverse mortgage a more appealing planning strategy for aging clients in multiple scenarios, we're dedicating time to a mini-series that share more information on what a reverse mortgage is, how it works, and more. In the...
Topics: Financial Planning

At Yeske Buie, we are constantly pushing ourselves to Learn Big, one of our six established worldviews, as we believe our learning in service of our Clients never ends. Furthermore, we strive not only to Learn Big but also to Think Big by applying the...
Topics: Financial Planning

Of the many aspects of our financial lives that can keep us up at night, debt is usually high on the list. According to a 2021 CNBC report1, the average American has $90,460 in debt. Making progress on paying off your debts is similar to...
Topics: Financial Planning

Timeless Lessons Our strategic partners at Dimensional are celebrating their 40 anniversary as a firm, and Founder, David Booth, used the milestone as an opportunity to reflect on the lessons he’s learned from his decades in finance. We find that Booth’s reflections and beliefs align...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

'Inflation is Coming! Inflation is Coming!' How Yeske Buie Has Positioned Clients' Portfolios to be Protected As we said a month ago, everyone’s talking about it, and that’s certainly still true today: inflation is seemingly on everyone’s mind. Read on to learn more about how...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Graduating from a university can be an invigorating yet overwhelming transition, and understandably so. In those four years of college, students experience so many “firsts” – living on their own, learning in a classroom with 100+ other students, and personal self among other things. The...
Topics: Financial Planning, Yeske Buie Millennial

Saving for your next large purchase - a new car, a new appliance, a family vacation, a down payment for a home - gives you an exciting goal to look forward to, although it isn’t always easy. Just like pursuing any goal, there are trade-offs...
Topics: Financial Planning

It is no news to anyone that living through a pandemic made people stop in their tracks and reflect on their lives. The challenges we all faced were an abrupt reminder that life is precious and can turn on a dime, and many people made...
Topics: Financial Planning