
Super Bowl LVIII will see the Kansas City Chiefs square off against the San Francisco 49ers in Las Vegas, NV on Sunday, February 11. News outlets of every sort are filled with predictions of winners and point spreads. Sportscasters, meanwhile, endlessly debate the strengths and...
Topics: Financial Planning, Yeske Buie Millennial

And now, for the other half of our 2023 review – a discussion about bonds. First, an acknowledgement: stocks get a lot of the attention when we make comments about the portfolio’s performance, and rightly so – they make up the majority of the holdings...
Topics: Economy and Investing

Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) are, as the name indicates, minimum annual distributions that must be withdrawn from an IRA beginning with the tax year in which the account holder turns 73. The IRS requires these annual distributions to help ensure that account holders don’t simply...
Topics: Financial Planning

It is our pleasure to share that Kacie Fawls, Associate Financial Planner in our Vienna office, has obtained the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER certification! This achievement is something that Kacie has been working towards since 2018 when she enrolled in the CFP Board Registered Education Program...
Topics: YeBu® News & Events

Planning Your Digital Legacy Today we bring you the third and final installment of our Digital Estate Planning mini-series. Just as you plan for your physical and financial assets with your estate plan, it's important to have a plan for your digital assets (like your...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest