TheLiveBigWay® Digest: Embracing the Circumstances

Changing Jobs in a Changing Market

The coronavirus pandemic has rocked the job market, requiring companies to adapt to remote work environments, setting unprecedented unemployment records, and spiking job growth in unexpected industries. As a result, many are experiencing a job change, which can be a stressful transition in any circumstances. We share our job change checklist to help you skillfully embrace the financial impact that a job change can trigger.
Yeske Buie in the Media: Maximizing Savings Bonds
If you have a savings bond, the uncertain times and potential economic hardship may have you wondering if you should cash it in. While the answer varies depending on your financial situation, there are a few general factors to consider to maximize your return. Learn more from Yusuf who shared his thoughts with Alex Gailey for an article with NextAdvisor, TIME Magazine’s new finance feature.

Debunk the Junk: Making Sense of Senseless Headlines

We’ve said it again and again. Staying informed of ongoing news is important, but financial news often feels more like financial “noise,” designed to stimulate an emotional reaction without telling a full story. Join us on Wednesday, July 8th for a webinar where we’ll emphasize this point by deciphering noisy headlines and sharing our take on the topics. Register today and send us any headlines you’d like us to debunk!
Meet the Team: Kacie McCumsey
Yeske Buie’s VIPs continue to shine in their roles as virtual interns. In this edition of Meet the Team, we introduce you to Kacie McCumsey, Financial Planning Intern in Virginia. A rising Senior, Kacie has used her professional experience and program knowledge to assist our financial planners in serving our Clients through a variety of projects. Learn more and extend a warm welcome to Kacie!

Reminder: July 15th Tax Deadline

As a reminder, the deadline to make 2019 tax payments, file your 2019 return, and make 2020 estimated tax payments is July 15th. Please note that state deadlines may vary; we believe that your tax professional is the best resource for any decisions related to your specific circumstances. When your return is completed, we kindly request that you send us a copy.