TheLiveBigWay Digest – Fiduciary Focus

TheLiveBigWay Digest – Fiduciary Focus

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Fiduciary Focus: Putting Clients First

President Obama has instructed the Department of Labor to develop a new set o rules requiring those who advise plan participants to act as fiduciaries. Anyone acting as a fiduciary is required to put Clients’ interest first. The brokerage world normally operates under a different standard known as “suitability,” which merely requires advice to be broadly suitable to Clients based on their overall circumstances, but not necessarily be in their best interest. Read on to learn how and why Elissa and Dave have been promoting the fiduciary standard as this issue has been near and dear to Yeske Buie for many years.


Finding the Right Benchmark for a Globally Diversified Portfolio

Clients often ask us what benchmark they should be comparing against their portfolio’s performance to see where they stand. As you’ve probably read in this space before, Yeske Buie employs a diversification strategy that is multi-layered. Thus, we compare the performance of the bond mutual funds and the performance of the stock portion of our Clients’ portfolios with different indices. Learn more about the specific indices we use, why we feel they provide the most accurate benchmark, and how our portfolios’ performance is different from that of the indices.

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 Fall Back On Me Yeske Buie Spring 2015 Open House: RSVP Today!

Join the Yeske Buie Team from both offices for our Open House in Vienna, VA on Thursday, April 2nd from 4:30-6:30pm. This year’s event will feature several of Elissa and Dave’s favorite wines, a professional tarot card ready, Yeske Buie souvenir wine glasses, and delicious appetizers and sweet treats from local company, Purple Onion Catering. Read more about this year’s featured wines and foods. Please RSVP for the event by emailing Cristin Etheredge at We look forward to seeing you there!

Tax Deadlines

1040Tax day is just a few weeks away on Wednesday, April 15th, which marks the deadline for making a contribution to a Traditional or Rollover IRA, Roth IRA, Health Savings Account (HSA), SEP-IRA or Solo 401(k). If you file an extension then the latter two can receive contributions until October 15th. We will be sending emails to request 2014 Federal and State Returns from Clients shortly after April 15th to help us better serve our Clients throughout the year. If you already have a copy of your tax return, you may send the document to us using any of the methods described here.