TheLiveBigWay® Digest: Gobble, Gobble

Thanksgiving Dinner and Financial Planning in One Sitting

The Thanksgiving holiday is right around the corner, and you likely have a lengthy to-do list: menu planning, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, et. al. But before you get swept up in the holiday hubbub, we thought we’d whet your palette by exploring five ways that your holiday planning mirrors financial planning basics. And, if you’re still in need of meal planning inspiration, check out our Eat Big Recipe Book!
Yeske Buie in the Media: Roth 401ks – When to Use Them and When to Pass
Workers have a number of considerations to keep in mind when saving for retirement – deciding what type of account to fund, how much to contribute, and whether to contribute pre-tax or after-tax dollars just to name a few. A recent Barron’s article by Neal Templin shares six reasons that highly paid workers may consider contributing to a Roth 401k plan, and the article includes comments from our very own, Dr. Dave Yeske – read more here.

November Tips and To-Dos
We don’t want to add more to your busy to-do list this month, so we share three relevant tips and reminders to keep in mind as you cruise through the rest of November.

ACA Open Enrollment
Open enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace runs from November 1 through December 15. Learn more about coverage and savings here.

Prime Time for Cyber Crime
Online shopping for Black Friday and Cyber Monday can be a phisher’s paradise. Keep apprised of the ins and outs of identity theft to shop safely this year.

Jingle and Mingle with Us!
Ok, this might feel like a to-do list item, but it’ll only take a minute! We hope you’ll join our virtual holiday party on December 9 – RSVP today.
TheLiveBigWay Gratitude Wall
The holiday season serves as a natural time for reflection on the people, places, and things that hold a special meaning in our lives. In this vein, we offer TheLiveBigWay Gratitude Wall as a space to highlight who and what we’re most thankful for in our lives (a sneak peak of the wall is below!). We hope our reflections inspire you to you to post a few words, a quote, a photo, or link of your own to share your gratitude for the things that fill your life with joy.
What Brings You Hope?

During the challenges of COVID, new hire, Rachel Shin, finds hope and strength through her strong relationships with her family, friends, and her furry little brother, Ozzy. Although she recently moved away from home, her family constantly reminds her of the amount of love and support they have for her, and that they are always cheering her on! What brings you hope?