TheLiveBigWay Digest – Paying It Forward

TheLiveBigWay Digest – Paying It Forward


Yeske Buie’s Financial Literacy Program

Financial Literacy is a widely under-taught subject matter in the education of today’s youth. Some students can go through their entire education, including college, without some of the most basic financial knowledge required for them to succeed. Yeske Buie has put together a financial literacy program to help you and the ones you hold dear feel that your children and grandchildren are set up for financial success. Read more about Yeske Buie’s financial literacy program and see a video of a group of college students who are put to the test about their “preparedness” for the real world and the shocking results.

Give Big

One of Yeske Buie’s defined core values is our desire to willingly and selflessly share our time, our intellect, and our resources. In the past week, various Yeske Buie team members have volunteered with different foundations as part of Yeske Buie’s Give Big initiative. Over the weekend, members of our West Coast team volunteered at Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco’s Park Beautification event, while members of our East Coast team volunteered at one of Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation’s Pet Adoption events. Read quotes from our team members about their experiences and see pictures of our volunteers at the events.

RK VH and JH at the park
2015-03-25 year to date fund returns

Year-to-Date Market Update

What a different a day makes, or, at least, a calendar quarter. As everyone knows by now, last year was a good year for U.S. stocks and a not so good year for foreign stocks (at least, for those of us who are dollar investors). The first quarter of this year, however, has seen a distinct reversal in that situation as you can see from the chart to the left. The returns are year-to-date through March 25th, with US funds in light green and international funds in dark green.

Yeske Buie Spring 2015 Open House: RSVP Today!

Join the Yeske Buie Team from both offices for our Open House in Vienna, VA on Thursday, April 2nd from 4:30-6:30pm. This year’s event will feature several of Elissa and Dave’s favorite wines, a professional tarot card ready, Yeske Buie souvenir wine glasses, and delicious appetizers and sweet treats from local company, Purple Onion Catering. Read more about this year’s featured wines and foods. Please RSVP for the event by emailing Cristin Etheredge at We look forward to seeing you there!

more food
Tax Deadlines

1040Tax day is just a few weeks away on Wednesday, April 15th, which marks the deadline for making a contribution to a Traditional or Rollover IRA, Roth IRA, Health Savings Account (HSA), SEP-IRA or Solo 401(k). If you file an extension then the latter two can receive contributions until October 15th. We will be sending emails to request 2014 Federal and State Returns from Clients shortly after April 15th to help us better serve our Clients throughout the year. If you already have a copy of your tax return, you may send the document to us using any of the methods described here.