TheLiveBigWay® Digest: Things to Think About

“Finfluencers”: How Social Media Has Influenced Financial Decisions

From trendy dance routines to cooking videos, social media platforms like TikTok are used worldwide by members of all generations. These platforms offer a wealth of enjoyment, but also easily accessible information that can be communicated in less than a minute. As these platforms transition from solely leisure, they’re becoming a resource for problem solving. They can help users with anything from deciding what to wear on Thursday night to figuring out what types of investments are worth their time. With this level of unfiltered information, what are the financial implications of taking financial advice from internet strangers?
Relocation Checklist
Moving, especially across state lines, can be an exciting part of life. The feelings of adventure and new beginnings, however, can quickly be overpowered by a feeling of uncertainty which can be exacerbated when there isn’t financial clarity. Check out this article to learn about a few financial considerations when relocating.

We’re Better Together – There’s Still Time to RSVP!

There’s still time to RSVP for Yeske Buie’s first IN PERSON Client event in Virginia since 2019! Join us on Thursday, July 28th between 4-8pm at The Meadowlark Botanical Gardens to celebrate Being Better Together – while enjoying delectable bites and tantalizing sweet treats. RSVP here! (And for our West Coast Clients, friends and family, mark your calendars for Thursday, September 8th when we will host you and all celebrate together!)
Psychology of Financial Planning
Our very own Dave Yeske recently joined the Gaining Perspective podcast, hosted by Advisor Perspectives, with another esteemed financial planner, Rick Kahler, to discuss the CFP Board’s new book: The Psychology of Financial Planning. To hear more about the book and Dave’s comments about how we at Yeske Buie incorporate a number of the concepts described in the book when engaging with our Clients click here!

Featured Favorites: Secret Skills

We ask our Clients to share a lot about themselves. And not just their intimate financial information, but also their life story, their dreams, their goals, and their childhood money memories, among other things. With appreciation for this vulnerability, we like to reciprocate the sharing. In this edition of Featured Favorites, we asked our team to unveil some of their secrets – their secret skills, that is! Who’s our spice queen? Our dancer? And what’s a cruciverbalist? Find out here!