TheLiveBigWay® Digest: We’re Listening

TheLiveBigWay® Digest: We’re Listening

Discovery Insights

Book of life

Financial planning is often thought to only include investments and asset management. And those pieces matter! But none of it matters if it’s not personal, relatable, and aligned with who you are and what matters to you. Learn more about our discovery process – one of the most important pieces of our financial planning relationship – and some of the behavioral science research that influences our approach.

Short Take: What Comes Around, Goes Around

While short-term trends in the financial markets, by themselves, don’t provide a clear view of what’s coming, they can be a reminder of the virtues of broad diversification. Check out this chart that shows how small company, value, and international stock categories have performed over the past two months.

Mutual Funds Portfolio

Open Call: Songs of Hope

Vector of a smart phone and headphones

For the past few months, we’ve been sharing regular editions of The Hope Chronicles, a collection of stories and videos that keep us grounded in hope. In coming editions, we’ll be including a new spin featuring Songs of Hope, melodies and lyrics that bring us strength and connection. What songs bring you hope? Let us know! And stay tuned for the “album” that we create together.

Where in the World is the Live Big® Glass?

We already know where your Live Big glasses are – THEY’RE AT HOME! Just because you’re staying at home, however, doesn’t mean you can’t also be living big. After all, we’ve always said that you can Live Big simply by finding joy and gratitude in mundane places. We’d love to see SIP versions of your Live Big glass photos if you have them!


Final Reminder: July 15 Tax Deadline

Tax day on July 15

We are writing to share a final reminder that the deadline to make 2019 tax payments, file your 2019 return, and make 2020 estimated tax payments is next Wednesday, July 15. Please note that state deadlines may vary; we believe that your tax professional is the best resource for any decisions related to your specific circumstances. When your return is completed, please send us a copy.