Author: Dave Yeske, CFP

Stock markets around the world have gotten choppy again after a period of extended calm and some are asking what’s up and what’s next.  The answer, as always, is that we don’t know what’s next in the short run but we do have a high degree of…

Topics: Economy and Investing

We wrote about the renewal of the Greek debt crisis a month ago, noting that it was “like deja vu all over again,” mirroring the Greek debt crisis we were writing about back in October of 2011 (Beware of Greeks Bearing Gilts), when the markets…

Topics: Economy and Investing

With Greece back in the headlines, bringing with it a fresh bout of market volatility, we thought it might be time to touch base and offer a little history and a quick forecast.  We first wrote about the sad state of Greek finances back in…

Topics: Economy and Investing

Policy-based financial planning is a technique that Elissa and Dave have been developing since their first article on the topic appeared in The Journal of Financial Planning in 2006. The approach has received a lot of attention in the press lately, in no small part because of a book called Investor Behavior: The Psychology of Financial...
Topics: Financial Planning, Policy-Based Financial Planning, Yeske Buie in the Media

We wrote last November about University of Chicago economist Gene Fama receiving the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on the "empirical analysis of asset prices," which is another way of saying "for the scientific exploration of what determines stock prices and returns." At...
Topics: Dimensional Fund Advisors, Economy and Investing

GGU: The Magazine of Golden Gate University just published their Spring issue with the cover story “The Power Couple”, which highlights Dave and Elissa and their team approach to teaching and living. The article takes you on a journey starting with how Dave and Elissa…

Topics: Yeske Buie in the Media