Financial Planning

This summer, it’s likely that you have some kind of vacation or relaxation days on your calendar. Depending on how you choose to Live Big, the vacation may involve a beach rental, a cabin in the woods, or a cottage in your favorite town. If...
Topics: Financial Planning

The late Dick Wagner, a friend and pioneer of the financial planning profession, once said, “Money is the most powerful and pervasive secular force on the planet.” How true he was. The media (especially social media “finfluencers”) and society are often hyper-focused on money, specifically,...
Topics: Financial Planning

Years ago, scammers were relatively easy to spot – poor grammar and dodgy names and websites were glaring red flags for fishy (or phish-y) business. Today, with the help of significant technological advances, bad actors use sophisticated techniques like social engineering to gain access to...
Topics: Cybersecurity, Financial Planning

Hopefully you have read  or watched our updates on the first seven categories of changes we think are likely to apply to many of our Clients, but Secure Act 2.0 included over 100 changes that could affect you or your loved ones! And while the...
Topics: Financial Planning

When it comes to financial literacy, there are a few sentiments that society generally agrees upon: Money and finances are an essential part of our modern lives. The United States has a glaring gap in financial education for both children and adults. Without a formal...
Topics: Financial Planning

Using savings tools like Traditional and Roth IRAs can be a great way to put money away towards your future retirement, and deciding which tool to use is an important decision as there are a number of tax related implications to keep in mind. We...
Topics: Financial Planning

In turbulent times like these, our Clients often ask how we’re protecting their assets. In this piece, we’ll focus on the measures our strategic partner, Charles Schwab, takes to focus on asset protection and ensure our Clients’ accounts are safe. Schwab is one of the...
Topics: Economy and Investing, Financial Planning

Guess who’s back, back again? (Any Eminem fans?) We’re back with the next piece in our Reverse Mortgage Mini-Series. Let’s do a quick recap: Part I: What reverse mortgages are and how equity can be accessed Part II: What goes into the calculations and detailed...
Topics: Financial Planning