
Interested in learning more about the origin of our investment philosophy or the firm itself? Looking for some clarity on a financial planning topic, the markets, or your portfolio? Curious about the make up of our team, how we operate, or our company culture? Send...
Topics: Financial Planning, YeBu® News & Events

Once again, the Olympic games are upon us! The 2022 winter games are being held in Beijing, China from February 4 through February 20 and will feature classic sports (like figure skating, speed skating, curling, skiing, and snowboarding) with seven new events in snowboarding, bobsled,...
Topics: Financial Planning

Thanksgiving Dinner and Financial Planning in One Sitting The Thanksgiving holiday is right around the corner, and you likely have a lengthy to-do list: menu planning, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, et. al. But before you get swept up in the holiday hubbub, we thought we’d...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Five Financial Fears to Face This Halloween Our ancestors were once afraid of predators and “things that go bump in the night.” Today, while those fears have mostly been relegated to books and movies, they have been supplanted by other, real threats to our wellbeing,...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Ask your child what they’re afraid of, and they may say the dark, a monster under the bed, or their school principal. Turn to your friends, however, and you may find that financial concerns – not “things that go bump in the night” – start...
Topics: Financial Planning

A Roth conversion is a taxable transfer of assets from your traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA to a Roth IRA in an effort to take advantage of the tax and withdrawal benefits of a Roth IRA. Not only do assets grow tax-deferred in a Roth...
Topics: Financial Planning

Inflation – Still Not Spooked (Seriously) It’s the story that won’t go away, so we’re not going to stop commenting on it. That’s right – inflation is dominating the headlines again. And we’re still not worried about it. Today we dig into the underlying causes...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

When Halloween comes around, you may find yourself watching one of the many “reality” TV shows centered on hunting down supernatural influences. Whether or not you believe in the supernatural, one could argue that there is a tangible way for those who have passed to...
Topics: Financial Planning