TheLiveBigWay® Digest: From Boring to Soaring

Bitcoin Blues: Sometimes It Pays to Be Boring

Remember when Bitcoin was trading at nearly $70,000 in November of last year? In just a few short months, it’s down nearly 40% from its most recent peak and trading below $44,000 (as of February 16th). Let’s review a brief history of Bitcoin’s performance, talk through a few cautionary tales, and see how four investing quotes from Warren Buffet relate to our stance on investing in Bitcoin.
Soundbite: Rising Interest Rates and the Stock Market
We all know that we’ve seen a big spike in inflation in the last six to eight months, and the one thing we can be sure of is that interest rates, as a consequence of this inflation, are going to start to rise. What does this mean for the stock market? And are all stocks affected the same way? Find out in this quick five-minute economic lesson with Dr. Dave Yeske.

One Man Can Change the World

February is Black History Month. While good intentioned, it can be perceived as cliché and contrived to spotlight minorities’ stories during a specified month – real inclusion requires energy and compassion every day of the year. That said, we welcome any opportunity to highlight the special people on our team, and today we feature Yusuf Abugideiri, who vulnerably shares his experiences as a Black man in the US and in the financial planning profession. Thank you for being you, Yusuf.
Inflation: A Take That’s Not Our Own (but we like it)
Tired of reading about inflation? We get it. So instead of getting our take on the latest CPI reading (which clocked in at the highest level in 40 years), we thought you might enjoy an alternative perspective on the topic. Read on to see why Andy Serwer, Editor-in-Chief at YahooFinance, thinks inflation “is the business opportunity of a lifetime”.

The Hope Chronicles
One of the prevailing characteristics that weaves through the Yeske Buie philosophy and The Hope Chronicles is resilience. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this touching video featuring the beautiful relationship between the McKeever brothers is worth a million. Despite an untreatable genetic disorder that caused Brian to lose his eyesight, he and his brother didn’t give up on his dream of becoming an Olympian. Watch how they achieved their dreams together through dedication, communication, love, hope, and resilience.