TheLiveBigWay® Digest: Well Grounded

The Three Rs of IRAs

Using savings tools like Traditional and Roth IRAs can be a great way to put money away towards your future retirement, and deciding which tool to use is an important decision as there are a number of tax related implications to keep in mind. We use this space to discuss the three Rs of IRAs: the rules, requirements, and restrictions related to each type of account. Continue reading to learn more and see which tool may be best for you.
Assuring Asset Protection
It’s been a volatile week in the market, and many investors are feeling on edge about the security of their hard-earned savings. In this piece, we focus on the measures our strategic partner, Charles Schwab, one of the largest and best capitalized broker/dealers in the world with over $7 trillion in Client assets, takes to focus on asset protection and ensure our Clients’ accounts are safe. And in case you missed it, here’s our commentary from earlier this week where we specifically discuss the current bank scare.

March Tips and To Dos
In what feels like the blink of an eye, we’re nearing the end of the first quarter of 2023. We share a few timely deadlines, tips, and reminders to keep in mind this time of the year.

Tax Day 2023
The deadline to file your 2022 tax return is Tues, April 18 – just about a month away – except for residents of counties in California affected by this year’s winter storms. These individuals now have until Oct 16, 2023 to file their federal and state returns.

Tips to Thwart Tax Thieves
It’s cybercriminals’ favorite time of the year: tax season. Taxes are a sensitive topic, and documents from employers, banks, and other organizations typically include personally identifying information. Here’s a few tips to stay safe during tax season.

Save Some Green
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Looking to save some green this holiday but not sure where to begin? When thinking about an emergency fund, we often get questions like “how much do I need?” and “how do I budget for savings?”. We answer these questions and more here.
Dimensional Ranked No. 1 in Barron’s ‘Best Fund Families of 2022’
As our Clients know, we pride ourselves on using a grounded, evidence-based approach to investing, and we think of the team at Dimensional Fund Advisors as our strategic partner in helping us implement this approach. Yeske Buie has had a decades long relationship with Dimensional, and we’re proud to share that Barron’s recently ranked Dimensional No. 1 among active mutual fund families. You can read more about the ranking here, and for more on how we use Dimensional’s funds, check out our website.
Word of the Week: Grounded

“Luck” is a common St. Patrick’s Day word. But when it comes to your finances, we think it’s better to rely on a grounded wisdom than on lady luck. That’s why we’ve selected “grounded” as our Word of the Week. At Yeske Buie, we believe in coming up with creative strategies while staying grounded in the best available research. Learn more about our take on grounded investing and how you can stay financial grounded.