The Wonderful Women of Yeske Buie

In a profession that estimates a 3:1 ratio of male to female professionals, Yeske Buie is proud that the following statements are true:
Two-thirds of our team are women.
Yeske Buie is majority woman-owned.
And while we can admit that we’re biased, we feel very confident in saying that the women who make up our team are uniquely talented, fiercely dedicated, and wholly empathetic. In honor of Women’s History Month, we are excited to spotlight the wonderful women of Yeske Buie who vulnerably share their thoughts and experiences as women in financial planning, along with the role models and passions that inspire them.

How would you describe your experience as a woman in the financial planning profession?
Overall, our team of women agrees that their experiences in the financial planning profession have been positive. Lauren Stansell shared, “I have so often felt welcome, heard, seen, and empowered,” and Sydney Woodward echoed, “I’ve had a positive experience being a woman in the financial planning profession, and I’ve had the privilege of working at companies with powerful female role models.” The women added that it’s not only the male and female peers and role models who have helped shape their positive experience, but also the Clients that they work with. Lauren shared, “We work with Clients who are strong, powerful, wise women” and Sydney added, “I stay inspired by these women.”
These overall feelings of positivity don’t mean that their experiences have been without discrimination and difficulty, however. “Unfortunately, it’s not always easy for women in this profession and they’re not always welcomed. There are inappropriate or defeating experiences I hear about far too often,” Lauren reflected. Lauren Mireles added, “I’ve found that there can be initial gender stereotypes and biases that are assumed by others at the onset of a relationship that you have to overcome.”
That said, the women agree that there’s reason to be hopeful. Dorothy Navales, who has nearly twenty years of experience in the profession, noted, “There’s much less gender discrimination and inequality in the industry now,” and Rachel Shin added, “Although there is a clear difference between the number of men and women in the profession, there is also an air of inclusivity within the profession which makes me incredibly hopeful for the future.”

How would you describe your experience as a woman on the Yeske Buie team?
In a similar fashion, the women reflected on their experience as a woman on the Yeske Buie team. Here are some of the words they shared…
“I feel seen.”
– Kacie
“Rewarding and inspiring”
– Sydney
“Unequivocally equal”
– Mila
“Empowered and respected”
– Rachel
“Openly embraced”
– Dorothy
Several women also reflected on the impact that Yeske Buie’s CEO and Co-Founder, Elissa Buie, has had on their experience at the firm. Cristin Stinson shared, “I am very proud that the CEO of our firm is a woman. It is probably one of the most shared things I say when anyone asks about my job!” Similarly, Lauren Stansell shared, “It doesn’t get better than having Elissa Buie as a role model, mentor, and inspiration. If the term ‘powerful woman’ was in the dictionary, her picture would be there (along with Michelle Obama and countless others!)” and Sydney echoed, “Elissa is the epitome of making an impact.”

Who have been your personal and professional role models? And what do you admire about them?
There’s a quote by author Chuck Palahniuk that says, “Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I’ve ever known.” The women on the Yeske Buie team channeled this quote as they reflected on the inspiring role models in their lives. Read more about these special people below:
- Cristin: “The biggest role model in my life is my late professor, thesis advisor and dear friend Dr. Jeanne McPherson. Her passion was engaging dialogue, and we had a lot of it. What I admired most about her was her fundamental belief that we could be/do better, and she listened, educated, and facilitated progress in so many ways. While the world lost her earlier this year, her memory and her purpose will endure.
- Lauren S.: “I am so fortunate to have so many! There are many women (and men!) in the financial planning profession I’ve always looked up to and look to for guidance, mentoring, and idea sharing. I also admire my parents, my sister, my aunts and cousins, and my in-laws. Each of my family members has taught me something special about valuing and embracing life and Living Big. And lastly, my business partners deserve a special call out – being business owners together is full of joys and successes, and also has its challenges. I am so grateful for the relationship we have and continue to build; I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else.”
- Lauren M: “I’ve always looked up to and admired my older cousin, Becca. When we were kids, she was like an older sister to me and as we’ve grown up, she’s become someone I look up to for her hard work ethic, her dedication to her family, and her ability to stay organized despite all the balls she juggles! As a soon-to-be mom, I am grateful to have her in my life to learn from – she’s done a fantastic job raising her boys!”
Moms also received special recognition in our team’s reflections…
- Dorothy: I always look to my mom as a role model. I appreciate her compassion, values, determination, and incredible work ethic.
- Rachel: One of my heroes is my mom. Although things have not been easy for her, she still claims that she is the happiest person in the world because she has my family.
- Mila: My mother is hands down, the most inspirational person I have had in my life. She has provided everything for me with an unconditional, open, and understanding heart.
What do you love? What makes you come alive?
Like we do with Clients, we thought we’d take a deeper look into the people, places, and things that fuel and inspire our wonderful women. Nearly unanimously, the ladies shared that their loves ones are their number on priority. Lauren M. said, “I find joy in a lot of aspects of life, but time with family is the greatest joy of all,” and Mila echoed, “My family, which consists of my mom and my dog, are my best friends, my support, my comfort, and my joy.” Dorothy agreed with both of her teammates and added “It is the most joyful thing when I see their smiles.”
Some of the women’s other passions include…