Financial Planning

The Natovitz group recently presented a one-day workshop for financial planners titled “The Final Life Chapter: The Vital Role Advisors Play as Clients and Their Families Plan for Extended Care.”  Two of our Associate Financial Planners, Sabina and Yusuf, joined a group of local professionals…

Topics: Financial Planning

Policy-based financial planning is a technique that Elissa and Dave have been developing since their first article on the topic appeared in The Journal of Financial Planning in 2006. The approach has received a lot of attention in the press lately, in no small part because of a book called Investor Behavior: The Psychology of Financial...
Topics: Financial Planning, Policy-Based Financial Planning, Yeske Buie in the Media

The Yeske Buie Financial Planning Team attended the 2014 FPA Far West Round-Up Conference in Santa Cruz from Thursday, August 14 to Sunday, August 17. The Round-Up has many features of the Old West, including a designated sheriff (leader), posse (conference committee), and greenhorns (the…

Topics: Financial Planning, YeBu® News & Events

I recently took some time to reflect on many of the families I have worked with over the years and the challenges we have faced together. Thankfully, in most of those situations, we were relatively successful in addressing those challenges. In this article, I summarize those concerns…

Topics: Financial Planning