TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Staying Financially Grounded Earlier this week, we wrote to you to share our thoughts on the correct way to think about “corrections” as market volatility, strangely absent last year, has come roaring back. We’ve had a bit of a bumpy ride over the past two...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

All Our Clients Are 'Round' Flashback to your high school English class. While you were busy passing notes, your teacher was likely sharing some information actually worth retaining. In this case, we’re referring to the two, well-known categories of literary characters: round and flat. While...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Get More from Your Credit Score In today’s world, there are dozens of numerical expressions that make up one’s financial life. Credit scores are one example of those digital expressions, and are used to assess a person’s financial responsibility. It is widely understood that this…

Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Long-Term Care Aware Long-term care is not a one-time need. Rather, it is a “continuum of care” that starts at home and advances to an assisted living community or nursing home. No matter where one falls on this continuum of care, the costs can be...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Olympic Overlap The 2018 Winter Olympics are officially upon us! This year’s festivities are being held in PyeongChang, South Korea and began (last night) with figure skating and will further kick off with the opening ceremony today. While these upcoming competitions may vary widely with…

Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Saving for Retirement - It's Never Too Early (or Too Late!) At the top of nearly every list of financial New Year’s resolutions is the goal to “save more money”. For some, this means increasing general savings amounts. For others, this means putting away more...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Medicare: Making Enrollment Make Sense While one’s 65th birthday no longer signifies reaching the “Full Retirement Age” milestone for Social Security retirement benefits, turning 65 still has a unique perk – gaining eligibility for Medicare. Being eligible for the program, however, doesn’t mean that it’s…

Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest