YeBu® News & Events

In your most recent current update, you talked about completing the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in DC and looking forward to running the Fit Foodie 5k. Have you always been interested in running or is running a new hobby of yours? Growing up, I ran,…

Topics: YeBu® News & Events

Cristin recently returned from her three week Live Big® trip to Korea and has many unique stories and pictures from her adventure. Naturally, we wanted to hear everything about the trip upon her return! Why was this trip on your Live Big® list? Firstly, I…

Topics: YeBu® News & Events

In continuing our quarterly Give Big campaign, aimed at making a difference in our local communities, Yeske Buie team members have planned or completed their second project this year. While the Vienna office outing will happen shortly and be featured in an upcoming Digest, the…

Topics: Give Big, YeBu® News & Events

While giving back to the community has always been a Yeske Buie value, this year we have implemented a campaign for the Yeske Buie Team to volunteer on a quarterly basis called Give Big to make a difference in our local communities. 2nd Annual Extreme…

Topics: Give Big, YeBu® News & Events

Yeske Buie Retreat The Yeske Buie Team gathered at the Marriott Ranch in Virginia from March 17th to March 20th for our semi-annual retreat. Don’t be fooled by the word ‘retreat’ though as we spent the majority of our time at the ranch developing our internal communication…

Topics: YeBu® News & Events