YeBu® News & Events

Elissa and Dave recently returned from a three week, Live Big trip to Africa that included visits to Tanzania, the Serengeti, Zanzibar, and Cape Town. As you can imagine, the trip was nothing short of incredible. While they were away, the rest of the Yeske...
Topics: YeBu® News & Events

As has become an annual event, the Yeske Buie Financial Planning Team - minus Elissa and Dave who were living big on their African safari! - once again attended the Financial Planning Association's Far West Roundup conference in Santa Cruz, California. At Far West Roundup,...
Topics: YeBu® News & Events

The Yeske Buie team recently traveled to beautiful Boulder, Colorado for our annual Staff Retreat. The purpose of our annual Retreats is to intentionally spend time discussing how we work with our Clients and with each other, to co-create practices and ensure alignment between our...
Topics: YeBu® News & Events

A few weeks ago, the Yeske Buie Financial Planning Team attended FPA’s Northern California Conference. This conference offers 40 keynote and workshop sessions with some of the most outstanding, hand-selected speakers in the profession. We believe conferences like this one provide our team with the...
Topics: YeBu® News & Events

It’s graduation season – an exciting time for students and families alike to celebrate the accomplishments of one life chapter and the start of a new one. In addition to celebrating this milestone for our Clients and their loved ones, we are also celebrating the...
Topics: YeBu® News & Events

Earlier this week, the Yeske Buie team had the pleasure of hosting our Clients, Centers of Influence, and Friends to an event in Tysons, Virginia. The event included insightful conversations, tasty appetizers, a message of appreciation from Elissa and Dave, and a lot of laughs....
Topics: YeBu® News & Events

NOVEMBER 2023: We are elated to share that Baby Boy Stansell is here! It is our honor to introduce you to Owen Robert Stansell. After tricking his parents with some early labor signs, when Owen decided it was time to join the world, he did...
Topics: YeBu® News & Events