
By now, most of you are familiar with Michael Lewis’s new book, “Flash Boys” and the whole high-frequency trading (HFT) phenomenon he’s focused on. Lewis has been making the rounds starting with a segment on 60 Minutes a week ago Sunday, followed by the Today…

Topics: Economy and Investing

Our San Francisco financial planning team (Elissa, Dave, Jennifer, and Jen) attended a Financial Planning Association of San Francisco meeting on Tuesday that featured Gary Schlossburg, Senior Economist for Wells Capital Management, presenting on the outlook for the U.S. economy and financial markets into 2015. We thought…

Topics: Economy and Investing

We wrote last November about University of Chicago economist Gene Fama receiving the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on the "empirical analysis of asset prices," which is another way of saying "for the scientific exploration of what determines stock prices and returns." At...
Topics: Dimensional Fund Advisors, Economy and Investing

  Who? Participants in employer-sponsored retirement plans [401(k), 403(b), 457(b), profit-sharing plans] and/or IRA owners ([traditional, rollover, SEP, SIMPLE]. What? This is the minimum amount you are required to withdraw from your account each year. When? Distributions must start by April 1 of the year…

Topics: Financial Planning

What Happened? On June 26th, in United States v Windsor, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional ab initio (from the start). The court decided that if the citizens of a state voted to recognize…

Topics: Financial Planning