
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States’ health expenditures as a percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) were an astonishing 17.4% in 2013. That’s $2.9 trillion dollars or $9,255 per person! With more than one in six dollars of the…

Topics: Financial Planning

Yeske Buie’s Financial Literacy Program Financial Literacy is a widely under-taught subject matter in the education of today’s youth. Some students can go through their entire education, including college, without some of the most basic financial knowledge required for them to succeed. Yeske Buie has…

Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Fiduciary Focus: Putting Clients First President Obama has instructed the Department of Labor to develop a new set o rules requiring those who advise plan participants to act as fiduciaries. Anyone acting as a fiduciary is required to put Clients’ interest first. The brokerage world…

Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

As if coming to terms with our annual obligations to Uncle Sam isn’t stressful enough, tax time is also prime “phishing” season for scammers and identity thieves.  Phishing is an attempt to fool someone into revealing sensitive personal or corporate information by “masquerading as a…

Topics: Cybersecurity, Financial Planning