
Five Things to Know About Required Minimum Distributions Last time in this space, we shared details about Yeske Buie’s process for managing required minimum distributions (RMDs) in Client accounts. Today, we’d like to share a few notes about RMD distribution timing and strategies for those…

Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

The Dow closed above 20,000 for the first time on Wednesday, repeating the feat the following day. There are headlines any time the Dow crosses a 1,000 mark and that’s especially true of this latest milestone. Here’s our take. First of all, and to state…

Topics: Economy and Investing

Considering a job offer, or comparing a number of offers, can be a daunting task. The trick is not to evaluate them in a vacuum or even solely one against another, but as it relates to everything going on in your life. Let’s assume there…

Topics: Yeske Buie Millennial

Millennials and Money: Starting the Conversation is What Matters Most At an estimated population of 82 million, millennials make up the largest generation in America. Born between 1980 and 1995, members of this cohort have often found themselves to be the subject of everything from…

Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Last week, Elissa and Dave participated in the FPA Annual Conference, the largest gathering of CFP® professionals and thought leaders in financial planning. At the conference, Elissa spoke on a panel to discuss best practices for internships and Dave spoke on a panel to discuss…

Topics: Yeske Buie in the Media

Bad news can be like waves sweeping in and breaking along a sandy shore.  The quiet rumble as the watery walls form, break, and lap upon the shingle fades from our conscious awareness until the surge from a sudden harmonic convergence leaves us scrambling for higher ground.  It feels like one of those moments right now,…

Topics: Economy and Investing, TheLiveBigWay® Digest