
It. feels. like. everyone. is. talking. about. it. What is “it”, you might ask? Inflation, of course. As the world’s economies recover and the US economy continues its return to its pre-COVID form, policy-makers, investors and economists have set their eyes on inflation as one...
Topics: Economy and Investing

The latest unemployment numbers in the U.S. have been universally touted as the “worst since the Great Depression,” a comparison that, while accurate, can be tremendously misleading. Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke said, “I don’t find comparing the...
Topics: Economy and Investing

As our Clients approach retirement and prepare to begin making distributions from their portfolio to meet their spending needs, we often hear questions like these: How much can I safely spend from my portfolio in retirement? How will I know if I’m heading for trouble?...
Topics: Financial Planning

The US economy has entered its 11th year of expansion, now the longest on record.  This by itself isn’t significant, some expansion always has to be the longest, and being the longest doesn’t automatically mean imminent demise. Such a milestone does leave the commentariat looking...
Topics: Economy and Investing