
The Natovitz group recently presented a one-day workshop for financial planners titled “The Final Life Chapter: The Vital Role Advisors Play as Clients and Their Families Plan for Extended Care.”  Two of our Associate Financial Planners, Sabina and Yusuf, joined a group of local professionals…

Topics: Financial Planning

Many methods have been proposed over the past century and more for achieving superior investment performance through stock picking. Some of the most popular approaches include the following: Fundamental Analysis Technical Analysis Momentum Investing GARP (Growth at a Reasonable Price) Dogs of the Dow The...
Topics: Economy and Investing

David Stockman, former Republican congressman and former budget director under Ronald Reagan, wrote an inflammatory op-ed piece in the New York Times a week ago Sunday (State-Wrecked: The Corruption of Capitalism in America) in which he declared “this latest Wall Street bubble, inflated by an egregious flood…

Topics: Economy and Investing

There has been no negotiation reached on how to deal with the nation’s borrowing limit and the deadline for mandatory spending cuts has been extended for two months. However, a significant amount of what relates to individual taxpayers has been addressed in the American Taxpayer…

Topics: Financial Planning

We thought we’d check in once again on this cold December Friday with another edition of the Live Big® Digest to help keep you warm.   As you will not fail to have noticed, markets have continued to seesaw in recent weeks with every whiff of good…

Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest